


ARMECONOMBANK OJSC’ (hereinafter “the Bank’’) informs its shareholders that the annual meeting of the Bank will take place on 21 June 2024 at 12:00 in “Albert hall” (c. Yerevan, Nar-Dos 2), making the registration of the participants of the meeting from 11:30 till 12:00.

The list of shareholders entitled to participate in the meeting is drawn up by 07 May 2024 according to shareholder’s registry data.

The following questions are included in the Agenda of the Annual Meeting:


  1. On the Counting Committee of Annual Meeting of Shareholders of ARMECONOMBANK OJSC.
  2. The report of the Executive Board of the Bank on the annual activity of 2023.
  3. On paying dividends according to annual results of 2023 of the bank.
  4. On annual financial statements 2023 of the bank, on ratios of profit distribution.
  5. On confirming the person implementing the audit of the bank.
  6. On the selection of ARMECONOMBANK OJSC Board.



Of information and materials to be presented to the Shareholders during the preparation of annual meeting of ARMECONOMBANK OJSC

  1. The annual report on financial-economic activity of 2023 of the Executive Board of the Bank.
  2. The annual financial statements 2023 of the bank, the conclusion of the person implementing the audit of the bank thereof.
  3. On the composition of the Board of the Bank.
  4. On the person implementing the audit of the bank.
  5. On the Counting Committee of the annual meeting of shareholders of the bank.
  6. On paying dividends according to annual results of 2023.


* During the preparation of the meeting, one can get acquainted with the information and data referred to in this list at the Bank’s Head Office and branches on working days.
The materials are also available on https://aeb.am/media/bajneterer.pdf

Updated: 16/05/2024 16:58